Chiropractic Pain Relief in Waldorf, MD

We help patients in Waldorf, MD recover from auto injury and other pain problems. Our multidisciplinary team If you're in pain, we're here for you!
Year after year, we've treated scores of individuals with the following conditions:
- Osteoarthritis Treatment. We specialize in treating knee pain and pain in other joints through chiropractic care and minimally invasive surgical procedures. This can prevent total knee replacement for years to come.
- Auto Accident Care. Auto injuries can initiate a wide range of symptoms and long-term disability. If you've been in an auto collision, it's important that you make sure that you get early care to prevent the creation of scar tissue and chronic pain.
- Back Problems. Chiropractic is an effective and safe way to recuperate from either acute or prolonged back pain.
- Neck Pain. It doesn't matter if your neck was injured in an accident, by postural problems, or from unknown origin, we can help you get to the source of the pain.
- Headaches. Countless research studies show that chiropractic can help with headache discomfort. Some of the different types of headache include migraines, tension headache, and cervicogenic headache (pain that originates in the cervical spine). Chiropractic adjustments can be effective for all of these.
- Work Injury. Injuries can make it tough to get back on your feet. We can aid you in this process by identifying the source of your pain and developing a drug-free treatment plan to help you get back to work.
- Sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and it travels from your lumbar spine, through your pelvis, and down your leg. Sciatica can be very disruptive to your life, and chiropractic care is a great way to identify the root cause of your pain and relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Our staff would love to help you with any health concerns you might have. Our office is conveniently located in Waldorf, MD. Give us a call today at (240) 754-7130 with any questions or to make an appointment.